Safeguarding children and young people is an absolute priority at Riverside School.
All staff and governors undertake appropriate safeguard training from the LA’s and government training program and this is updated regularly.
Riverside has a Designated Safeguarding Lead, three Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and a Designated Safeguarding Governor.
Riverside School's Safeguarding Team

What to do if you have a concern about a child or young person attending Riverside School
During school hours:
Contact school and speak to any of the Child Protection team on 01405 763 925
Or if you are a young person, family member, carer, or member of the public and you want to discuss a child that you are worried about, or make a self-referral you can contact the Safeguarding and Partnership Hub (SaPH) during office hours on (01482) 395500 - Choose 'Option 1' and a social worker will be able to talk through your worries with you and discuss what happens next.
Out of school hours (including during school holidays):
If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police on 999
Children's Emergency Duty Team (CEDT):
If you have a worry about a child outside of office hours, the Children’s Emergency duty Team (CEDT) operates to respond to emergency situations from 5pm until 8:30am Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm until 8:30am on a Friday and at weekends and bank holidays. CEDT responds to emergency situations that are unable to wait until the next working day.
These will relate to children’s safeguarding, potential placement, or family breakdowns and any other Children’s Services statutory work. Your call will be taken by a Lifeline operator.
The social worker will then make the decision if an intervention/additional information is needed that evening, or the situation can wait until the following morning when a children’s social work team or the Safeguarding and Partnership Hub (SaPH) will follow-up with the person sharing the information the following day.
You can contact the Children’s Emergency Duty Team on:
Tel: (01482) 393939
- For young people over the age of 18 contact
Contact the Safeguarding Adults Team directly on: (01482) 396940
Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm, Friday 9am - 4.30pm or email them on They also have an out of hours service which can be contacted on Emergency out-of-hours duty team 01377 241273:
The list shows the safeguarding team within school. You can also contact the East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership (ERSCP) by visiting
The ERSCP oversees and co-ordinates all of the work undertaken within the East Riding to keep children safe. It is a partnership between the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Humberside Police and the East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group working alongside other relevant agencies.
In order to keep our children safe at school, we:
- ensure that all our staff – through their induction and on going training – have a clear understanding of their responsibilities towards our children’s safeguarding.
- The DSL and DDSL have comprehensive training including but not limited to:
- Safeguarding in Education
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Prevent
- E-Safety
- Data Protection
- Safer Recruitment
- FGM (Abuse linked to Faith or Belief)
- Records Management
- ensure that we teach our pupils how to keep themselves healthy and safe to the best of their ability both in and out of school, and that they know who to ask for help.