8th February 2021
Tuesday's Tasks
Wednesday's Tasks
Thursday's Tasks
Your work today is based on some topics we've already looked at. I would like you to recap previous learning and see what you can remember. Don't worry if you find it a little tricky. This is why we come back to it - to help us remember.
Friday's Task
Your task today is to play some interactive games on Education City.
Use the personal login which has been emailed to you. Choose the Mathematics subject area and then select the year group that is best for you. That will be F2, Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3.
Remember, don’t go too easy. Always challenge yourself!
Click on Activities, and concentrate first on the Multiplication and Division games. You will see that you can select them on the left hand bar. If you want to keep going, try some games on the other maths tabs at your chosen level.
Have Fun!