Whole School Summer Reading Challenge
Summer Reading Photographs!
Howard's Reading Challenege
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. We are all looking forward to seeing you again in September as we start the new academic year.
In the meantime, I have set you all two reading challenges to complete over the Summer Holidays.
The first challenge is to complete as many of the small challenges from the grid as possible.
The second challenge is to re-design a new front cover for your favourite book.
If you complete all of the challenges, I will organise a little prize for your efforts - I will need to see evidence of this of course! You could either bring this to school when we are all next in together, or you could send me photographic evidence of you completing the challenges. Please could you email photos to jayne.france@riverside.eriding.net could you also ask your adults to let me know if the photo is just for me to see, or if it can go on our school website, for everyone to enjoy!
'Reading' can take many forms, but please do some of your reading with or alongside others members of your household, it will bring lots of smiles!
Keeeeeep Reading!
Yours sincerely,
Jayne France (English Coordinator)