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Riverside School

Believe Achieve Succeed

18th January 2021

Continuing with our theme of 'Looking at Me, Looking at You.'


Take time to look in the mirror. Have a look at what you really look like. This is your outer self, it is on the outside of your body. The work we are doing today wants us to draw our 'outer' selves and our 'inner selves'. The inner selves are the hobbies, interests and personality quirks that makes! 


Have a look on the worksheet below at Page 2. This shows you an example of what you could do. Do you notice how clever it is that it has used the shape of someones interests to make the shape of that body part. For example, the tennis racket makes the shape of a mouth! When Oscar did this activity he draw his eye in the shapes of a pink glazed doughnut! What will you draw?
