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Riverside School

Believe Achieve Succeed

Mr Marsden's Class

Home Learning

Week Commencing 9/11/20


I do hope you are all safe and well at home! 

This week some of you will be working from home and some of you will be working from school. To ensure consistency, we will be completing very similar work.

If you are learning from home you will need to complete the three virtual lessons (English, maths and science)- simply click the link to access the lesson. There are some additional tasks I have uploaded (pdf documents) which you could print off and complete to assist your understanding with the taught topics. 

Then at 2pm each day Mrs France will be hosting a TEAMs lesson for you. In this lesson Mrs France will go over your learning from the day and help you work through any misconceptions or tasks you find tricky.  

The link to the lesson will be sent to the email address you used during your last TEAMs lesson with me. 


Thank you to you all in advance- we know how challenging this is! 


Mr M
