Quest 2
- Addition to 20 mosaic
- Count and graph activity 1
- Count and graph activity 2
- Count and graph activity 3
- Counting in 3s dot to dot
- Counting to 20
- Maths challenge cards multiplication and division
- Maths challenge cards reasoning 1
- Maths challenge cards reasoning 2
- Maths challenge cards
- Maths riddle
- Recycling pictogram activity
- Spot the difference
- Subtraction to 20 mosaic
- Tally your trash activity sheet
- The Messy Magpie time challenges
- The Messy Magpie 5 and 10 times table mosaic
- The Messy Magpie addition to 20 - colour by number
- The Messy Magpie grid references
- The Messy Magpie subtraction to 10 - colour by number
- The Messy Magpie subtraction to 20 - colour by number
- The Messy Magpie symmetry sheets