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Riverside School

Believe Achieve Succeed

1st March 2021

Day One:

Circle Time - Online Session - Speaking and Listening skills with friends about their half term holidays. You need to tell us about what you have done, listen to questions from your friends and answer them. You also need to listen carefully to what they have been doing and ask them questions about this.


Write at least 5 sentences about what you have done over this beautiful weekend.

Day Two

Last week we began looking at riddles. Riddles give us clues to solve so that we can work out an answer. Remind yourself of the riddles by looking at the PowerPoint from last week or by looking at the matching riddle cards from last week.

Now we are going to move onto writing our own riddles. Using page 1 of the sheet below use the words that have been given to write your own riddles about a leopard and a rhino. Don't worry about perfectly neat writing for this, it's more about getting the ideas down.

Day Three

Today I would like you to be a bit more creative. Using Page 2 of the document from yesterday, I want you to think of an animal that you would like to write me a riddle about. Start by brain storming some words and ideas about this animal. Now have a go at putting it into a riddle. Send me a picture of your riddle and I'll see if I can solve the clues!
