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Riverside School

Believe Achieve Succeed


Week 14 and 15 Planning Grid

Week 14 and 15 Sensory Activities

Planning Grid for Week 12 and 13 16.6.2020

Week 10 and 11 Planning Grid 8.6.2020

Week 8 and 9 Planning Grid 18.5.2020

Week 6 and 7 Planning Grid 4.5.2020

Week 4 and 5 Planning Grid

Useful Teaching Apps

Example of a Timetable for Home Learning

Week 3 Planning Sheet 31.3.2020

English- Why Do We Celebrate Easter? 31.3.2020

PSHCE- Happy, Sad, Angry sorting Game 31.3.2020

Easter Egg Description Game 31.3.2020

Easter Themed Letter Formation 31.3.2020

Indoor Scavenger Hunt 31.3.2020

Gardening 24.3.2020

Planning Grid- Week 2 24.3.2020
