Lesson 4
Talking and Sharing
Look at pages 23 and 24 in the story of George and the Dragon. You can pause the video or look at the Word documents below.
How do you think each of the three characters feels in this picture? Think about each of them in turn, considering their body language, their faces and what you already know from the story.
Can you imagine what each of them might be saying or thinking? Talk about your ideas with a grown-up.
You might like to take a look at the earlier picture of the dragon on pages 3 and 4 too. How does his face show he was feeling then? Can you compare the two pictures of the dragon?
Today’s Task
Write some of your ideas into sentences, explaining what each character might be feeling, saying or thinking.
Take care to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and to sit your letters correctly on the line.